Payment Methods

Payment in advance/bank transfer:
If you want to pay for your order in advance by bank transfer, you will receive our bank details and a purpose after the order has been completed. The money transfer for a bank transfer, whether online or by transfer slip, can take between 1-3 days depending on the bank. Attention!: Please make sure to state the intended purpose correctly, as only then can a fast and smooth transaction processing be guaranteed. For example, if you enter an incorrect order number in the subject, we will have to post your payment manually, this may delay the delivery of your order.

PayPal: (EC card, credit card, bank transfer, installment payment)
To make a PayPal payment, you need a PayPal account. If you don't have one yet, you can open one online free of charge during the payment process. You then have the option of paying by EC card, bank transfer and various credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.). For more information about PayPal, visit: